Donald Bloxham Aufsätze im Chronos Verlag Power Politics, Prejudice, Protest and Propaganda: a Reassessment of the German Role in the Armenian Genocide of WWI In: Der Völkermord an den Armeniern und die Shoah 2014. The Beginning of the Armenian Catastrophe: Comparative and Contextual Considerations In: Der Völkermord an den Armeniern und die Shoah 2014. The Holocaust on Trial. Crimes Against Humanity, Justice, and the Writing of the Historical Record In: Enteignet – Vertrieben – Ermordet 2004. Power Politics, Prejudice, Protest and Propaganda: a Reassessment of the German Role in the Armenian Genocide of WWI 2002. The Beginning of the Armenian Catastrophe: Comparative and Contextual Considerations 2002.